Piga logoPiga

Helping organizations
attract the best tech talents

Our stance on building Piga.

We believe transparency is the best ambassador of an organization's culture - and we want to help them share their peculiarity to attract the best talents.

Piga's mission is to help companies reveal the power of their engineering team, and to help them be attractive to the people who will help them change the world.

Our tech ecosystem gathering platform empowers tech recruiters and Talent Acquisition (TA) leaders to be the best that they can be. By making the outreach process significantly more engaging and transparent, TA teams can spend more time building relationships with candidates, creating a great hiring experience, and showcasing their company's brand.

How we started

We understand - talents are the most important part of your company strategy. Having the right people in the right roles makes the difference. When it comes to tech, finding the right talents is top priority.

Today's market is experiencing an important shift in perspective. Tech people are flooded with requests and have difficulty identifying companies that correspond to their values - yet, they value learning, growing and working in an efficient team.

Talents want to look inside your organization before they spend too much time in the application process. They want to know who they are going to work with, what it is like to work at your company, and what they can expect - before they make the move.

Talent is in demand - and they are looking to make informed & intentional decisions on the next steps in their career.

They expect significantly more from companies when it comes to communication and engagement, and organizations therefore need something in place to help them build that engagement before the application.

Traditional strategies remain critical: company websites, career pages, mission & values descriptions, what makes your organization unique, employer recognition, testimonials, job postings & job boards - these are important fundamentals. But everyone is following the same best practices. While your content varies, the strategies are similar.

You have to do something different. You have to standout. You have to be transparent.

Today, job postings are mind-numbing. They are a veritable list of glitters requirements and filler words - is anyone looking for someone who is not curious and who is not a team worker? As such, talents see the same thing over and over again - making the tech marketing of your organization that much more critical to filling your open positions.

Your Employee Value Proposition needs to be as clear, personalized and accurate as possible. Providing it with facts to build trust from day one is the way to let your candidates assess objectively your tech culture and avoid hiring errors.

They must be convinced that they fit with your team and its culture.

Our Core Values

With our mission as our north star, we are also guided by our five Core Values.

Customer Obsession

Customers are the focus of everything we do. While we pay attention to competitors, we are obsessed over customers. We work hard everyday to earn and keep customer trust. We're eager to learn and to ask questions. We always keep in mind that even old processes deserve to be reexamined.


We hold ourselves and our teammates accountable, asking how we can improve and how we can help others improve.


We present and propose solutions, and then implement the solution or find the best person to take action.


We treat ourselves and others with respect, and strive to create a team where everyone is set up to succeed.

Growth mindset

Success never comes easily. Every challenge we encounter is an opportunity to learn and grow. We succeed by working smart and hard, having resilience, and with our ability to adapt, innovate, and inspire.